Tag: Photography



Just like an abstract image

No longer can i recognize you

Coiled, straight

Black, shades of grey , color

A beautiful grotesque

A distinctive dark expression

That lights my imaginative mind!


DSCN6651Dare to dream

Stand out and rise

Grow beyond expectations

Be yourself, be different

Embrace the fire within

Let it burn

Believe in the dream

And soar high into the skies.

Stand Strong..

DSCN6532Seasons are changing

It is never easy

The pouring rain

The scorching sun

Still it is not over

When you hit rock bottom

Lay a foundation

Strong enough to hold you

In desolate moments

Stand strong

Be your own rock.


Sunrise Silhoutte
Sunrise Silhoutte

I want to be free

Like the sun

Watching the world from the sky

I want my face to be kissed

By the rising sun

So i can face the world

Dreaming about the endless sky

Rising to endless possibilities!